to handle the imported data for columns Category and Balance as binary data. I need to convert the values of packed decimal fields in itab to numeric type. Say you have an input file with below packed data as HEX. The data is stored in fixed width text. Just define WS-DEC-PART as PIC V999 and ADD. Neal, It was explicitly mentioned that "i need to get '0.450' as numeric decimal and do arithmetic on it.". Use DECIMAL ( i + d, d) or NUMERIC ( i + d, d) No exact equivalent. ("11 REFORMAT Convert file from one record layout to another"). a method called Input0_ProcessInputRow that is where we put the code for the data 02 FEC-AA PIC X(2). Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! and view the COBOL source code for this numeric field conversion example. Thank you for this great post and the previous one "importing-mainframe-data-with-sql-server-integration-services". is not an official and/or affiliated with IBM. AC Op-amp integrator with DC Gain Control in LTspice, Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner, Trying to understand how to get this basic Fourier Series. We have seen how to handle EBCDIC coded files Services. and what would happen then? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. A sample of how to convert non-print formats to display or . 02 FILLER PIC X(72). How to Convert Packed Decimal (PD) COMP-3 Fields to Zoned Decimal Field Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. In case of the above question to move the decimal portion of the number need to define an variable which can store only the decimal portion and move the value to that field which would hold just the decimal portion. Since we are going to perform INTEGER . The SimoTime Home Page The next is close to what you will see in a COBOLs Copy File (a file that contains Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Enter 2 and 3 in the TO section of the panel, for example:CA File Master Plus -- Reformat your.CONVERT.LIB(REFORMAT) COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR FROM Record ------------ CPYBK#O1 of your.CONVERT.LIB --------------Num Field Name Pos Format Row 1 of 3 1 DATAREC1OLD 1 78 2 FIELD1-PCK 1 P 8.2 3 FILLER 7 C 72 *************************** Bottom of Record Layout *************************** TO Record ------------ CPYBK#N1 of your.CONVERT.LIB --------------Num Field Name Pos Format Reformat Row 1 of 3 1 DATAREC1NEW 1 80 2 FIELD1-NUM 1 N 6.2 2 3 FILLER 9 C 72 3 *************************** Bottom of Record Layout ***************************After pressing enter the numbers will be automatically translated to the field names.Press PF3 and type E now.You will see the JCL now. And Please suggest any other way to achieve the same! It consists of the word PIC or PICTURE followed by the actual picture clause, where the type and size are specified. Code: 01 WS-PACKED-DECIMAL PIC S9 (11)V99 COMP-3 VALUE 1542.16. JCL- Sort 'PD' to 'ZD' with Length Calculation - Srinimf I need to convert the values of packed decimal fields in itab to numeric type. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? How do you convert packed decimal to numeric in COBOL? This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). Services truncates the string at the occurrence of the first NULL, so we wont be Packed Decimal Instructions - Northern Illinois University Sometimes it is needed to convert packed decimal fields to numeric Or display formats for debugging or analysis purposes. The Result field is also defined with a SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE that creates an additional byte to the field for the sign. is there any way to fix this issue without making use of another variables (e.g. copybooks. COMP-3 occupies INT(N+1/2) by. Just use the assignment statement using "=" (equal) symbol. PIC S9(15)V9(3) COMP-3 looks like this in the file: If the value was -4568248.323, it would be: This doesn't help you, but may help others. Converting string to packed:-. This suite of programs is provided as a COBOL example of one of the possible solutions to the problem of determining the actual format, content and length of a numeric field and converting to a different format. we need to define a decimal field like DEC-PORTION V9(6) comp-3 and then move the FIELD-NAME-3 to DEC-PORTION to retain the decimal part of the value. Suppose we have the number 40.06. This link requires an Internet Connection. I know two methods for doing that. Rarely (if ever) is packed-decimal business data moved to a floating-point field. Define a 2-byte alphanumeric variable (group or elementary). 9(3) is a three digit numeric, and COMP-3 is BCD encoded decimal. GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a COBOL compiler with run time support. As I was keen about the Numeric field, didnt bother about the filler, but updated above. In addition to the ASCII and EBCDIC differences it is important to note the hardware differences. Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:18 pm. This can be accomplished using SORT. This first patch isn't directly applicable to all the projects, but if this is approved then I have follow-on patches for gdb and binutils. Converting Packed decimal S9 (11)V99 to unpacked Decimal -IBM Mainframes The following (NBRCVTE2.cmd) is a sample of the Windows CMD needed to run this job in a non-Mainframe environment. Atlast divide the decimal-total by 1000 and add it to integer-part. The data structure contains ASCII or EBCDIC Text Strings and Numeric Values that use a Binary, Packed Decimal or Zoned Decimal format. Using DFSORT OUTREC options you can achieve the same. Informats: Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data - 9.2 - SAS Please suggest. So an 7 digit numeric number would require 7 +1 = 8 / 2 = 4 byte in size. Yes, for a fixed format define a structure accordingly. The OUTPUT will contain the numeric data: BROWSE your.CONVERT.OUTPUT Line 0000000000 Col 001 080. We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. As said above, UNSTRINGing and combining didnt work, but REDEFINES works! I doubt you need to redefine the field. Why do we calculate the second half of frequencies in DFT? Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Also, like zoned numbers, packed numbers can have implied decimal Explanation: For a comp-3 packed field specifies the number of digits after unpacking. Converting unpacked Packed Decimal Comp-3 data into doubles. Will Gnome 43 be included in the upgrades of 22.04 Jammy? This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and is supported by Micro Focus COBOL running on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System. Each nybble (half-byte) of the field is a decimal value in binary, so. . Determining the Digit Length of a Packed-Decimal Field - IBM We have to add four columns SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material. The only method to get this done is to use a File Master Reformat data set, aka. Integration Services Data Flow Transformations, SQL Server Integration Services Data Type Conversion Testing, Integration Services Data Flow Transformations Tips Category, SQL Server The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies. Here I used SORT FIELDS=COPY is equal to OPTION COPY. FIELD-NAME-2 PIC S9(3)V9(8) COMP-3. V is the decimal position How to convert a alphanumeric string into numeric decimal in COBOL Best practice is to always make packed fields an odd length to avoid this confusion. The hexadecimal information is (highlighted in green) The possible translated, displayable EBCDIC characters are (highlighted in blue). Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? So the comp-3 field of size 4 bytes can store an numeric digits of +999,9999 to -999,9999 digits. This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The possible translated, displayable ASCII characters are (highlighted in red). See comp-3, above. asking us how we want to use this Script Component. The compiler (cobc) translates COBOL source to executable using intermediate C, designated C compiler and linker. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. To For example://your_job_card//REFMT EXEC PGM=CAWABATC,REGION=4M //STEPLIB DD DSN=your.FM110.CDBILOAD, // DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=your.CONVERT.INPUT, // DISP=SHR //SYSUT1O DD DSN=your.CONVERT.OUTPUT,// DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * COPY , INFILE(SYSUT1), OUTFILE(SYSUT1O), REFFILE(your.CONVERT.LIB(REFORMAT)), REPLACEKEY(N) /* Now, when running the job and using the following three records input file:------------------------------------------------------------------------------.@record#01-----------------------------------------------------------------0013579889987FF6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666600246C953694B0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000------------------------------------------------------------------------------record#02-----------------------------------------------------------------0022229889987FF6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666600222C953694B0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000------------------------------------------------------------------------------record#03-----------------------------------------------------------------0033339889987FF6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666600333C953694B0300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000------------------------------------------------------------------------------The OUTPUT will contain the numeric data:BROWSE your.CONVERT.OUTPUT Line 0000000000 Col 001 080Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR ********************************* Top of Data **********************************01234567record#01---------------------------------------------------------------02222222record#02---------------------------------------------------------------03333333record#03---------------------------------------------------------------******************************** Bottom of Data ********************************, Such a REFFILE will be created via File Master ISPF 3.11 menu ("11 REFORMAT Convert file from one record layout to another").You need two COBOL data structures, aka. For example, the value 15 is stored in two nibbles, using the hexadecimal characters 1 and 5. Numeric formats quite often require a conversion to another numeric format or data type prior to being printed, displayed or exported to a non-mainframe or non-COBOL environment. Setting this option to true will instruct the SSIS pipeline Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? able to handle this field as a string. byte [] pd = args [0] .getBytes () will build a byte array = {0x11, 0x23, 0x4D} this will result in -11234. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? COBOL Comp-3 (Computational-3) Packed Fields: What they are. - A Disc I assume the format is not fixed, since then you could just pick that part of the string and move it to a field defined with pic 9.999 and use it from there. 01 WS-BINARY PIC S9 (11)V99 COMP. we must set the TextQualified option to False. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the Contact, Comment or Feedback section of this document. Cron <gccadmin@sourceware> sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_web_docs_svn To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. packed field = packed field * 10. 03 AMOUNT PIC S9(11)V99 COMP-3. how to convert decimal to Packed decimal/COMP-3, Having trouble unpacking Comp-3 in .Net. Difference between "select-editor" and "update-alternatives --config editor". A job script may be defined as a text file containing job setup information followed by job steps that identify programs to be executed along with parameters unique to the job step. It is implemented as "comp-3". into the Output folder tree; those columns will be in where we will return the transformed Convert Signed Zoned Decimal to Packed Decimal - Syncsort/Synctool ** The 'V' is an implied decimal point. The following is the mainframe JCL required to run the jobs in a ZOS oriented, Mainframe environment. COMP-3 can have a value not exceeding 18 decimal digits. After adding the columns we have to configure the output data types for each The following is the WORKING-STORAGE definition for the result field. The Source Field is defined as a Packed (or COMP-3) field with 6 digits and 3 decimal positions. Compilers I know, anyway. a whole tip can be written about this. Software Agreement and Disclaimer. The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a ZONED-DECIMAL to a DISPLAY (with SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE) numeric value'. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SO had to go to other way.. If a signed number or an explicit decimal is required then a different data type will be required for the result of a conversion process. Packed Decimal. Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2. Format: label PACK D 1 (L 1 ,B 1 ),D 2 (L 2 ,B 2 ) - Packs the L 2 byte zoned decimal number at D 2 (B 2 ) and stores it as a L 1 byte packed decimal number at D 1 (B 1 ) - The packing process: 1. That is a File Master 3.11 Reformat example: ------------------ CA File Master Plus -- Dataset Reformat ------------------. Refer to the Downloads and Links to Similar Pages section of this document for links that provide additional detail about numeric formats. and view the COBOL source code for this numeric field conversion example. Is there an existing gem or script that converts numbers to comp-3/packed decimal format?
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